Practical Solutions to our Housing Crisis
Everyone deserves access to safe, secure, and affordable housing. No one, regardless of their age or income, should be pushed out of Madison due to the cost of living. But today, young people who are trying to enter the housing market and seniors who are living on a fixed income are being priced out. As a city we must use every tool at our disposal to address the affordable housing crisis, end homelessness, and ensure that no one is displaced in our community.
As an alder, I will advocate for policies that diversify and increase Madison’s housing stock. I am committed to investing in the city’s affordable housing fund, maximizing support from federal and state grants, and finding effective ways to incentivize developers to build more affordable housing where it is suitable. We need to be responsible with where we build new housing, ensuring all residents have access to public transit, job opportunities, and businesses. In addition to lowering barriers to entry in our housing market, we also need to support current homeowners and help them stay in their homes.

Getting Serious About Public Safety
I take safety, security, and stability for our communities seriously. As a city, we need to continue building on successful initiatives that improve the safety of our neighborhoods, including Community Alternative Response Emergency Services (CARES) and safe street and traffic calming programs. We must address the root causes of crime and expand options for mental health and drug rehabilitation programs. I am committed to making sure that all of our neighborhoods have access to fast and reliable emergency, police, fire, and medical services.

Improved Transportation & Infrastructure
Madison is a growing city, and we need to ensure that residents in District 16 have access to reliable, efficient, public transportation. We also need to continue our efforts to make our streets safer, reduce speeding, and eliminate all serious and fatal crashes in Madison. As alder, I will:
Advocate for continued federal funding to expand Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Expand and secure funding for Vision Zero and other safe street programs to eliminate traffic-related deaths by 2030
Fight to bring passenger rail to Madison
Support the creation of a Regional Transit Authority to increase coordination with other municipalities and reduce the cost of new transportation projects
Responsible Growth & Development
Madison is our state's fastest growing city, which presents us with unique challenges and opportunities. We must handle Madison's growth responsibly, ensuring that our neighborhoods have a voice in development decisions that affect them. We also have to make sure that Madison has adequate and affordable housing, strong small businesses, and opportunities for new entrepreneurship. We need sustainable options for future funding that do not cut services or further raise the cost of living. These goals are not mutually exclusive. I am committed to working with state legislators to secure a fairer shared revenue deal for Madison.

Protecting our Environment
Madison is a national leader in sustainability and climate resilience. As alder, I will continue the work of keeping Madison on track to meet our ambitious net zero carbon goal and 100% renewable energy target for the city government and services by 2030. I will continue to invest in solar and other renewable energy sources and expand the city fleet to be completely electric, including our buses and emergency vehicles.
Investments like these will help protect our natural resources, keep our parks safe and beautiful, and safeguard our waters from toxic forever chemicals like PFAS. They will also create opportunities for good-paying jobs and training in the trades. I believe that climate and a strong economy go hand-in-hand, and our city should take advantage of the opportunities before us by tackling the climate crisis head on.

Transparency & Communication
Public officials should be accountable to the people who elect them. As your alder, I promise to listen to all voices in District 16 and always be responsive to your needs. I will be transparent with my positions and explain all of the votes that I take – even if we disagree.
I’m committed to finding new ways to communicate more frequently with residents, including blogs and email newsletters. I will attend town halls, host coffee chats, and show up to as many neighborhood association meetings as possible. I want everyone in District 16 to feel seen, heard, and connected to our city.
That’s one of the reasons I’m giving folks my phone number and email on the campaign trail. I want to hear from you!
As Madison grows, we must also increase partnerships with our neighboring municipalities. There should be clear and continuous communication between our governments and constituents, and we must collaborate when necessary to increase efficiency and cut costs.